Furnace industry
Furnaces are used in industries all over the world, from small laboratory ovens to huge conveyor furnaces. The temperature range varies greatly for every furnace, as does the furnace atmosphere (air, inert, vacuum). It is important to take this into account when choosing your material. Gimex staff can advise you on this.
The furnace industry needs materials that can withstand high temperatures while still maintaining their shape. In a number of cases, the parts need to be electrically insulating. In the above situations, ceramic parts can contribute to a well-functioning furnace.
Tubes are probably the most widely used form of technical ceramics in furnace construction. By placing a coil around the ceramic tube, it is used as a heat source in ovens. In addition, thermocouple tubes are frequently used at high temperatures to protect sensors.
Silicon carbide burners are often used in furnaces as an indirect heat source. The burners can be used in temperatures up to 2000°C and because of their excellent thermal conductivity they are very suitable for indirect heating.
Material specification SiC